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Saying 'Adios, Condo!' & 'Howdy, Ranch!' in a Whirlwind of Real Estate Twist and Turns

It was a wild ride through the rollercoaster of real estate as I attempted to bid adieu to my beloved condo and prep for life on a Texas ranch!

Picture this: a dazzling, 2nd story condo with panoramic views of the Sonoran Desert, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from hiking trails, grub, shopping, and everything else your heart could desire. After my divorce, I snagged this gem and put my own personalized style and taste into it.

From soothing colors and textures to a killer home office, this place wrapped me in a warm, fuzzy hug every time I walked through the door. It was the first home I had ever designed just for me - a single, professional, empty-nest woman. Add in a dynamic duo of feline siblings, Merlot (Merle) and Cabernet (Cabi) and life was purrfect!

But my heart yearned for the rugged allure of a Texas ranch. So, with a heavy heart and a condo full of memories, I listed it just as the Phoenix housing market started to heat up (if I held out just another year, I would have much more money in my account.... but I wouldn't have my ranch).

Showings began, and we put on our best condo-selling game faces. Fresh-baked cookies, mood lighting – you name it. Each time we hoped, "Let this be THE one!"

After many "meh" offers, a promising young lady relocating for work made a decent offer. Jackpot! Or so I thought...

As we downsized our belongings and prepped for the move, I took a quick Texas detour to park my car at Twin Oaks with April and Craig. Meanwhile, back at the condo, I anxiously awaited the appraisal for our new home-on-the-range, crossing fingers that the mortgage company wouldn't flip their lid over a teensy little detail like a non-functioning well. Who cares if the house is uninhabitable? It's all about potential!

And then, bam! The call that sucker punched me right in the gut. Our Phoenix buyer? Jobless. Our condo deal? Kaput. Cue the devastation, doubt, and extreme binge-watching of Heartland as I wallowed in self-pity, sitting in a bean bag chair, drinking wine, and binging on copious amounts of chips and onion dip. My condo no longer resembled an upscale professional residence, but rather a dysfunctional fraternity house.

But new showings emerged, and lo and behold, an offer materialized! I cautiously tiptoed through the process, ready for another curveball. But guess what? Smooth sailing straight to a closing date!

With the finish line in sight, it was finally time to bring our ranch dreams to life. Cabins to design, appliances to buy, and a thrilling new adventure waiting just over the horizon! So, dear condo, thanks for the memories, and hello, Texas, here we come!

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